what is wrong with my brain

Mar 04, 2013 07:02

I just had the most fucked up dream ever.

Honestly, it's so disturbing that I want to put a trigger warning on it.

The world was kind of vaguely Harry Potter (vague because it wasn't clear who had magic, who didn't, and who knew about it). These three people were hanging out at my house -- the main guy, a woman I know in real life, and the weaseley guy with glasses who takes the governor's orders in Walking Dead. It was very subterfuge-y, because I knew they were up to no good but for some reason had to pretend everything was fine. I kept trying to hide my Kindles, wallet, and other personal stuff in various places so they couldn't get their hands on them. But I finally lost this spy game because the woman got...something in her mouth that I was trying to hide. This part clearly inspired by Harry's Snitch in Deathly Hallows, which I watched recently, and that Golem episode of SPN, because it meant that I was completely under their control.

It was something like Imperio in HP, although in the dream the spell/charm was called Fidelis, and something like when Warren cast that spell on Katrina in BtVS (which, can I take a moment to point out that Buffy clearly called this out as rape while SPN, in the multiple time it has had a similar plotline, never has). There was no actual rape, but it was implied/threatened. I was inside my body but I couldn't control it, and I kept trying to tell people what was happening but I couldn't. This went on for awhile and was very scary and upsetting, until finally I somehow managed to get to a place where all my girlfriends were and whisper "Fidelis" (the vague part where they knew what that was but couldn't do magic themselves).

They surrounded the main guy (I don't know where the others went), and basically explained to the police/authorities what was going on and that they would take care of it. Megan was the ringleader and I remember saying to the guy "You don't want to struggle because she will kick your ass." We had him somewhere on the ground, hands cuffed behind his back, and I'm pretty sure we were going to beat and kill him. But then I woke up from Milo yowling directly into my ear.

And the main guy? Was the guy I've been on several dates with recently. He's a perfectly nice guy but I was planning to give him the friends speech because I don't feel a spark, so I assume this is how I'm working out my anxiety over that. I did not enjoy it. I think it may be worse than the time I dreamed I was working with Flora Jessop and the FLDS set fire to the building we were in. I just woke up feeling so violated and helpless and tense ugh.

Monday, you are already On Notice.
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