Jul 30, 2009 22:28
::pouts:: I was working on a kink meme prompt and my writing ability got exorcised like a demon on SPN. Like in the middle of a sentence. CURSES! And I won't be able to work on it tomorrow because I'll be on the county school system network, and we do not hang out on LJ on the county school system network because that is the one line we don't cross. Sigh. The prompt is only from yesterday, but that's like two weeks in kink meme time.
Catching up on TDS before bed, have gotten to the Bill Kristol ep from Monday ::shudders:: Please ignore the retching sounds you may hear coming from my general direction.
Did I mention I am in possession of the most delicious cheese on the face of the earth? For reals, I bought two things of Ben and Jerry's the same day, and I chose the cheese for dessert over Key Lime Pie and Dublin Mudslide. It's a crumbly Romano, soaked in raspberry ale. DID I JUST BLOW YOUR MIND? It's very rich and slightly tangy and has these little nodules of salt everywhere and ::drools:: Next time I have a crappy day, fuck chocolate and liquor - I'm going straight to Safeway to pick up this GQMF cheese.
Watched the TOS ep "The Devil In the Dark" and for some reason, I think it's my favorite so far. It's got hilariously awful creature effects (the Horta kind of looks like the FSM minus the spaghetti), lots of K/S slashiness and a nice classic sci-fi clash of cultures storyline. Not enough Bones, but he does get to not be a bricklayer! I think I skipped "This Side of Paradise" by accident, which must be rectified immediately because it looks like it's the sex pollen one? Speaking of which, I AM TOTALLY WRITING ONE. Baby's first sex pollen fic! I'm so excited! So far it consists entirely of snarky dialogue, but that's the really hard part so I'm not too fussed. Can it be Saturday already so I can write without getting interrupted by stuff like work and actual human interaction?
And lastly: Fuck you, NFL. Will fill in the actual team to be blamed later, because I'm sure someone will sign Vick eventually. Just - ugh.