Moment of squee: I'm reading (well, listening to the audio) Alan Dean Foster's Trek novelization, which is very good and has lots of little added lines and MOAR PIKE. And this is my favorite bit so far:
When Kirk and Sulu are falling without a chute and the random crewmember says they have to leave rightnowhomg or risk being sucked into a black hole, Uhura and Chekov in unison snap "SHUT UP!"
Okay, and also, after Vulcan implodes Kirk stays down in sick bay to help, bandaging a little Vulcan girl's arm and trying to come up with new ways to comfort Spock. GOD. I love his ass already, why you gotta make it worse?
I prefer the lift scene as it is in the movie, though. It's more effective with less dialogue.
::twirls:: I love them so much. It really is very good, this book. Quinto does an admirable job with all the voices.
Am simultaneous working on Kirk/McCoy fic and OMGWTFBBQfic. Which may or may not contain the line "I love it when you talk grumpy to me."