Goddamn. Didn't any psychiatrists make it off the damn colonies before the Cylons set off the nukes?
Honestly, Tigh and Starbuck! But at least they saved some personal trainers. Hello, Jamie Bamber's Torso. I missed you! Although I'm always thinking that, given a realistic choice rather than an aesthetic one, I would pick HH!Bamber over BSG!Bamber. Because Apollo's abs are beautiful and amazing to look upon, but if there were actually a bed right here in front of me, I'd rather crawl in with Archie (the physical form, not the character, although it remains true regardless).
Anyway. Digression. The refugees vs. crew dynamic was perfect, and as much sympathy as I have for Kara and Tigh, I LOVED Daddy Adama's smackdown. He actually knocked Starbuck's chair over. And Casey seems to be her only remaining link to her humanity (that and short hair), so that's as good a place to start as any. Also, that tiny blond child is absolutely adorable and makes my ovaries weep. As for Tigh...that one's a tougher nut to crack. And tough to watch, in the best way possible.
Sharon's new callsign makes me roll my eyes a little. Why not Artemis the huntress, if we're going to go there (I also though Hera was a stupid name for the baby, but whatever). All the Cylon/Baltar stuff was really interesting -- I liked the drugged-up camerawork. And Tricia Helfer is the counterpart to Bamber's physical perfection. Although I do find it funny how awful and bleached-dead her hair looks under Cylon lighting, where it looks so bright and warm in Baltar's mindverse. All the Baltar-might-be-a-Cylon has to be a red herring, but damn, I want to know who the remaning five are RIGHT NOW. The dark-haired, dying Six on the plague ship was creepy. So was the hybrid. Very "Minority Report," there.
Next week looks to be full of all kinds of awesome stuff. Yay! Now to watch the episode of "Heroes" I missed on Monday, and maybe work out some of my Will/Elizabeth issues if I'm feeling ambitious after.