Sat, 09:38: #TweetOfTheDay: @ Jessica_Pers Castiel I couldn't fix but I wouldn't mind feeding him Jello. And sponge baths. Lots of sponge baths.
Sat, 09:41: #Fact! All techno music is based on the different beats of Chuck Norris' heart.
Sat, 09:53: #ClubTux! Yet again, Simon P has retreated into his pillow fort of seclusion.
Sat, 10:04: #Aries: This is an excellent day to dare. Dare to eat a peach. Dare to wear your trousers rolled, & walk along the beach. That sorta thing.
Sat, 10:05: #Taurus: A haunting melody will float through the air this evening, with no apparent source.
Sat, 10:06: #Gemini: Perhaps you should call in sick today, and just stay indoors watching Wheel Of Fortune?
Sat, 11:12: #SupernaturalRP! Dean Winchester wearing pink panties is hardly news. Wearing matching bra & garters would be news.
Sat, 11:14: #SupernaturalRP! The arcangel Gabriel would never be caught dead in a woman's panties. He much prefers their corsets. Keeps him looking slim
Sat, 11:19: #SupernaturalRP! Gabriel wears women's corsets because they hide his gut. Also because they make him feel pretty. So pretty.
Sat, 11:21: #Grimmverse! The goblins just came out of the closet... SOMEBODY THROW THEM BACK IN THERE AND NAIL IT SHUT.
Sat, 11:23: #SupernaturalRP! Gabriel's vessel is not at all fat. However, don't judge a book by it's cover. All that chocolate has been fattening Gabe.
Sat, 11:24: #SupernaturalRP! Deep inside Gabriel's fit, possibly buff, vessel is a very chunky arcangel. He's poofing the vessel out a bit. Cue corsets.
Sat, 11:56: #TwitterNews! There appears to be something wrong with #twitter DMs at the moment. You may have to make sure what you sent is still 'sent'.