Typical way it goes is alarms go off, sit up until the brain reboots, turn on the TV for some news to get me going, pop over to the computer to setup for The Rag's morning HorrorScopes, get dressed while TwitterFall skims my mentions, and then head out. This Tuesday was no different, other than popping over to @TheNitwitNews as I saw the nitwit going after someone he's been stalking for years.
I'll get back to that.
Off the bus, swung by Starbucks for breakfast, get to the train station, sat down to turn on twitter notifications... and the first thing I get as a response is "Suspended account...".
To be perfectly clear, even with all of my usual morning routines, I'm generally not fully awake until after I get on the train and I'm halfway to The City.
That didn't process as clearly as it should've.
First thing I did when I got off the train was hit the nearest FEDex to pop onto twitter and see what was what. Kinda figured I knew what said what was, but had to look. That established started the un-suspension process, and dropped a word off with the mascot.
Nitwit being the nitwit, responded nearly immediately... even though he wasn't addressed:
Nowhere did I admit to that. I wasn't CD before, I'm still not now. Only people that ever believed that are other cyberbullies at an intellectual level roundabout where the lawn gnome dwells...
...and as ever:
He's still the dimmest bulb in the box. Can't tell suspended from protected status? Wow, that's a whole other level right there!
No cowardice on my part, nothing scary going on and I don't hide.
Not entirely sure how to proceed here. Twitter sided with cyberbullies against those exposing what they were doing. I've been fielding traffic from a bunch of those that helped take down a bunch of cyberbullies the last few years who are completely confused now, and I'm just as befuddled.
Oh, that thing I was going to get back to? This morning the nitwit went after someone he's a repeat offender on:
He's been going at her with highly suggestive/crude sexual content, out and out rape tweets, and sometimes describing brutalizing her for a couple years. I gave her the heads up, but she already had him pegged:
The last act of @TheNitwitNews, unless I manage to get it back, was doing what it was made for: trying to help someone with the cyberbully who targets her.
In the meantime, kinda at a loss. Both the nitwit & lawn gnome are lying their asses off about pretty much everything and other than this post exposing just a smidge of that... I'm not looking to get in on that.
Nice thing is the nitwit, who's been determined to take me down for stopping his abuse for years, had nothing to do with it. He had to drag in someone who was way beyond his skills of abuse to do what he couldn't. The Rag is down not because of the nitwit, who's had 753 accounts suspended by those I've helped organize for all his abuse since 2011 (usually say over 500 but I really have kept count) and I didn't lose anywhere close to triple digits...
...nitwit might've had a few more but I heard about those secondhand from others, and those were suspended before I could verify they were actually his.