Mar 26, 2013 16:26
...a guy that constantly sends unwanted sexual content at multiple people, and stalks a harmless gal named Riley by making multiple accounts to harass her... the nitwit who created a fake girl he played as a real person, to seduce a guy online and form a relationship with him over a full year so he could suicide the girl to hurt the guy...
...two people like this, known cyberbullies to many, are unclear what is acceptable behavior?
Lil' suggestion here: All that stuff you both do to deliberately antagonize others? All the stuff you do to constantly attack, in any form of attacking, people that have made it extremely clear they want nothing to do with either of you? To those people you make imitation accounts to both hurt the people you're imitating and possibly fool other people you're them so you can cast false aspersions on their reputations?
Basically, the only things both of you do with the majority of your accounts... all of that is bad.
Seems there's a few people that enjoy RP'ing with you both. Folks that neither of you attack, that actually think you're either entertaining or or at least fun, that you could spend your time interacting with. Hell, if the two of you tried to do that non·abusive stuff more often you might not be hated as much as you are.
It's theoretically possible.