Jan 26, 2007 09:50
I think that it is high time to update again. I am sorry that it has been so long, I've been busy, busy, busy. I am taking 13 credits, working (when they give me hours) and the new bishop likes to have multiple bishopric meetings. The other day we had a meeting Sunday, Tuesday, interviews Wednesday, and then another meeting with interviews on Thursday. Its been quite a ride, but let's get on to important things
Valerie is definitely pregnant. Yesterday we went to the doctor again and heard the heartbeat for the second time. Valerie is 14 weeks along and fairly exhausted. She is also starting to show, which I find incredibly cute. Right now it is just a little tummy with a heart beat. Valerie claims to not be one hundred percent convinced that she just hasn't grown a second heart. We have an appointment in a month to have an ultrasound so hopefully a picture will convince her otherwise. We have only heard one heart beat so we don't expect to see more then one baby, but if so that may give Danielle or Becca's children a wider variety of choice for marriage right?
We ordered a cradle on-line and it should be getting here today. I will have to assemble it after I get back from work. They are sending me to Price today. Valerie and I have felt that I need to find another job, simply because I don't want to be somewhere like Evanston, WY or Elko,NV when Valerie is ready to give birth. Consequentially, I have been sending out resumes in my off time, and I have had some offers, but we are being kind of picky right now. Why take a bad to replace a job we have now? It is a fairly comfortable place to be in actually. Recently we have been considering taking a position as hall advisers, but we are a little concerned about the space issue. We'll see.
I think that is about it for us. I hope everyone is doing well. Oh, and I know someone who writes for the One Hundred Hour board.