... Slackness, Softness, are the Things to Shun... Nothing Could Be Harder Than the Quest for Fun!

Jul 24, 2007 15:44

All right. Just a quick note here, my filthies.

To All Of You Selfish Pricks Posting Harry Potter Spoilers In Your Livejournals:

Cut it out.

I really don't care what your reasoning might be: the opportunity to see grown people behaving badly; the desire to perform an experiment dealing with "free will"; the chance to spoil a surprise some people have been waiting nearly a decade for; sheer petty, childish, malice.

It isn't clever. It doesn't make you look like a superior intellectual being, glowingly set above the seas of "Potter-obsessed" humanity.

It makes you look like a pompous douche.

(naked young immensely marvelous)
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