Title: A Little Taller
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Ayano/Kazuma
Genre: Romance, Introspective
Notes: Written for
the_firefly, who requested Ayano/Kazuma, "The Passage of Years". Sorry, I feel like this one isn't up to the same standard as the last two, but I'm a bit rusty at drabbles and used this one to cut my teeth on.
“You’ve gotten taller,” he says suddenly.
Ayano glanced back, inching up on her tippy toes and actually being able to meet his eyes before realizing that yes, in fact, she had grown taller. Oddly, she did not feel disoriented by it, only feeling a certain sense of rightness, as though this increase in height was to match a kind of inward growth.
She straightens, and feels like maybe she’s not the same Ayano from yesteryear.
And behind her, Kazuma watches, and feels like maybe he’s the one that needs to grow up now, if he’ll ever be worthy of her.