Jan 10, 2008 22:57
We got a microwave today, cuz ours died this morning. I also got a nifty leather case for my iPod. Yay!
But yeah.
I'm going back, starting tomorrow.
It's weird.
I mean, OK, it'll be a transition, going to Kathy/Jerry's first and staying for a couple days, but then, after... I'll be back at MIAD. And it'll be weird. I'm feeling the impending doom of the stress and the boredom of travel, but it's way not as hardcore as it was back in August. But still. It'll be odd having to not eat homemade food, and be surrounded by walls where you can hear everything. And not updating either here or DA quite as often because I'll be too busy/unmotivated.
And giving Katamari back, that'll be sad.
But it'll be nice to see Alex and everyone again. And to have a scanner. And to not worry about menfolk, because singledom is so fucking awesome. I mean, I'm pretty sure I won't fall into a relapse with Kris. Unless his entire personality changed for the better but I doubt that's gonna happen. And I'm also not worrying about Sasha, cuz... I dunno. It'd be cool to see him again but I'm not holding my breath. I'm not gonna be like, "So we should meet somewhere!" because I'm so tired of initiating. And I'm not gonna worry about Joe because I know what to say to him.
The only thing I'm worrying about is the possibility of an on-campus job, and any more shit/drama in the hallway, if you catch my drift. :||||| But I'm not worrying about it yet.
OK. I believe the quote "early to bed, early to rise" is appropriate here. Catch you cats on the WiFi!