Sep 21, 2005 06:35
man oh man... where the f have i been? who knows. a lot is different these days. im back at dicks and got gertrude on up there as well which constitutes for days of laughter. the old jorb was an internship and it was up so i had to get a new job and instead i got an old job. thinking about moving... to louisberg with leon. actually im sure that im going to sometime this winter. hopefully somewhere close to campus. im trying to lose weight and i think its making me tired all the time but ive dropped 15 so i guess ill sucl it up and quit being a puss-ass. stacey and i talked about getting married last weekend. made me a bit nervous. i definitely want to get married but she wants to do it next year..... weve been together for a year and a half but weve known each other for like 10 years so it doesnt seem weird to me or anything. its just that weve talked about it before and said we would do it when we both get out of school so we can start out right and have nice things and a easy way to pay for them but she said shes ok with living in an apartment for a while and she even said something about getting a job to help a bit with the financial situation and i explained that it would be stressful but shes fine with it all. so im kind of nervous about the whole thing but i feel awesome about it too. i mean on one hand i have to make the most important decision that people make in their lives and on the other... (thanks dirte) i have this amazing girl who wants to spend the rest of her life with me and she wants to commit to that. so im sure if thats what she wants then ill do it. speaking of such things... she showed me the ring she wants. im gonna have to start selling some organs or something. its from tiffanys so i guess thats expected. anywho... i dont know how this whole thing will turn out. i dont know if i should tell her we should wait or if i should go through with it when she wants.... whats do you think? well im pretty tired so im out.. hollar kids