(no subject)

Dec 17, 2010 21:43

In paradise have I resided
Since release of life's first sighing breath;
Over men's wish high and low presided
From their birth until their passing death.
In this, my heart in exile long did sit,
Until thy graying lips with rosy hue
Did brush my face, thy hands did find their fit,
And so my heart was lost to love of you.
From then, my life for God no longer spent
Now followed thee upon this worthless track,
As past me to my Sister Brother went,
My Love still chained and slowly changed to black.
Thus in this moment, Love, I'll shed no tear
To end thy wretched life and kill thee here.

timeline: the coming storm, posting: journal, character: the functionary, character: the messenger, storyline: love [betrayed], format: verse

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