Characters: The Angels

Aug 02, 2010 11:43

The Messenger: One the most powerful angels of the Triumvirate, the Messenger has been called many things throughout our Existence - the Voice of God, Metatron, etc. He speaks for God, both to humanity and the lesser angels. His words are somewhat formal, given his station, but he has a keen understanding of the human race and knows how best to communicate with them. Early in his life, he fell in love with the Functionary; however, his affections eventually turned to the Keeper, a betrayal the Functionary has never forgotten. In a moment of purest love and deepest passion, the Messenger and the Keeper's emotions gave way to an unprecedented event: the existence of the Anomaly. The Messenger used his daughter as a tool in his plot to overthrow God, a plan long in the making, and was responsible for the death of the Functionary. He was killed by Ana, the new messiah, who channeled the power of God. As punishment, he must now stand outside the gates, unable to enter the higher realms. Worst of all, his words fall on deaf ears; while the souls and angels passing through can see him, they simply do not care enough to listen to his tirades.
[PB: Hugo Weaving] [journal: the_messenger]

The Functionary: The Acts Executor, the Functionary is the proxy of God in Creation. She is the granter of prayers and miracles, as well as the bringer of His wrath. She is the one who orchestrated the great floods, who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, who parted the Red Sea. Everything she does, she does out of the deepest love and devotion to God; however, this does not change the fact that she despises Creation. For this reason, she has not changed her pattern of speech to reflect a more understandable method. Her word choices are often arcane, she tends to speak in meter or blank verse. While the angels are used to abstraction, humans have often found it difficult. Her distaste for humanity was tempered when she fell in love with the Messenger, but turned acidic again after his betrayal. She was accused (falsely) of trying to assassinate the last prophet and his daughter; tried before God, she was found guilty and banished to the Space Between. Observing the Messenger actually trying to kill the prophet's daughter, she made the choice to descend and fight him off, a choice which resulted in her death at the Messenger's hands. However, because of her valiant efforts to save humanity, God granted her new life as a human.
[PB: Thandie Newton, tinted monochrome] [journal: the_functionary]

The Keeper: The Guide and Comforter, the Keeper oversees the transition of dead. She is at once youthful and motherly in her demeanor, and has a great affection for humanity. Because of this, she speaks most like a normal person would, allowing her to be friendly and familial with those she encounters. Like the Messenger, she too has a great understanding of humanity, though hers is more of their nature and spirit than the actual history. Because of this commonality, she and the Messenger fell in love, despite his relationship with their sister, the Functionary. The Keeper has since felt a deep shame and often overwhelming guilt when faced with her sister; however, she cannot bring herself to deny her love for the Messenger. Their relationship produced a child, in a manner, the Anomaly. Like the Functionary, the Keeper eventually found herself betrayed by the Messenger when his treasonous plot was uncovered. Since then, she is happy to let him sit outside the Gates, ignored. She has tried to make peace with her sister, and enjoys the rare visits she receives from the Anomaly.
[PB: Zhang Ziyi] [journal: the_holykeeper]

timeline: the coming storm, realm: higher [paradise], character: the functionary, character: the messenger, purpose: info dump, character: the keeper

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