Nov 11, 2004 10:07
Been a moderator of a website.
French kissed someone in truth or dare.
Wore a robe to school.
Gotten into a debate about something that you don't know about and won.
Eaten calamari.
Baked lemon meringue pie.
Had surgery.
Eaten cold pizza with M&Ms on top.
Had an intellectual conversation with someone in a language other than English.
Smoked a cigarette.
Smoked a joint.
Prejudiced against someone because they were the opposite political party as you.
Played an MMORPG.
Cussed out someone in a different language.
Fallen during a dance on stage.
Played frisbee with AOL CDs.
Listened to a song from Wicked.
Spoken internet lingo in real life. For example: "Es-tee-ef-u!" or "Oh-em-gee!"
Cut yourself.
Enjoyed a novel required to be read for a class.
Bit someone out of rage.
Licked a candy bar after 20 people did it, then again after 20 more.
wore a skirt to school for the hell of it.
ate grilled cheese with cayenne pepper.
cheated on an essay test...
spelt 'school' wrong on a school project