Re: South Postpones Rising for another year.spicymachaggisJune 2 2006, 05:13:56 UTC
"who do you think elected the president the past two times?" Looks like Everyone except for New England, Chicago, and California. Not to mention the 2004 election was the first time that a president got the mandate of the people since the 1988 election of G.H.W.B.
Re: South Postpones Rising for another year.trouserminnowJune 2 2006, 05:34:47 UTC
south's been pretty solid since ray-gun, man, and as unproud of that as i am, it's true. i mean, ohio 'sides, how many of those states above the mason and dixon line are worth much? hell, it appears only indiana and coloradio are worth more than SOUTH FREAKING CAROLINA. phmph.
for the record, new orleans has been solidly democrat in both those elections, you can blame the electoral swing on everyone north of us.
Re: South Postpones Rising for another year.iliveinidiocyJune 3 2006, 05:28:32 UTC
your knowledge (or lack there of) is, well, depressing. check it: "The Rise of the Republicans" by Merl and Earl Black also: the essay by a Dr. Knotts named "What defines the south?" if you'd like to get academic.
Looks like Everyone except for New England, Chicago, and California.
Not to mention the 2004 election was the first time that a president got the mandate of the people since the 1988 election of G.H.W.B.
for the record, new orleans has been solidly democrat in both those elections, you can blame the electoral swing on everyone north of us.
see also: the democrat jugaurnaut
check it: "The Rise of the Republicans" by Merl and Earl Black
also: the essay by a Dr. Knotts named "What defines the south?"
if you'd like to get academic.
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