Well well. I have another obsession update. Twilight. Yes, the Americans reading this will be surprised, I suppose, but when I heard of the book I was intrigued... yet one of my classmates had read them, and told me that I should only read the first book, because the rest of them were not as good, seeing as Edward was an ass in the beginning of New Moon. And that´s when I saw some of the trailers for the Twilight movie. Here always begins my other obsession, Robert Pattinson. That man is delicous.
*wipes off drool*
Anyway, as I became more and more obsessed with Edward Cullen and the Twilight movie, I decided to get the books anyway. I could not stand the suspension of what I would miss out on any longer. I mentioned it to my-now-ex-boyfriend and he got me Twilight. I started reading at about 14.00 and finished that same day at 21.22. I was lost then. Monday, the day I broke up with the boyfriend, I bought New Moon and Eclipse. New Moon was finished in a couple of hours as well- which resulted in me staying up till twelve at night. Needless to say, I was exhausted. This is why Eclipse was finished today instead of yesterday, I had to force myself to stop reading. It was difficult, I admit.
What I am trying to say is, the Twilight Series are addictive. I can now see where that craze comes from. And since I saw the movie on Sunday, I have been quoting it since with my friend (KRISJEEEEEEEEE) ...I admit it, we spoof a little too. I dunno if anyone recalls it, but it's the scene where Edward says; Say it. Out loud. SAY IT' and then Bella whispers 'Vampire'. We replace the vampire with queer.
I have been quoting Rob too. He once said in an interview that he had to train, so he could fit Stephanie Meyers perfect Edward, but he was unable to get a sixpack and he yelled; THIS IS WHAT I AM, I DON'T HAVE A SIXPACK, BELLA!' it still cracks me up. Seriously, if you have some time off your hands, go watch some Rob Pattinson interviews, he's hilarious. And of course...I have been going through my hair with my hand a lot since I saw them. It's contagious. Though, I still wash it every other day, unlike Rob (says so himself..)
Anyway, this will be a short one, ending with
"Briefly in Boxers"