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1) tell you why I friended you,
2) associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, etc.,
3) tell you something I like about you,
4) tell you a memory I have of you,
5) ask something I've always wanted to know about you,
6) tell you my favourite user pic of yours,
7) in return, you must post this in your LJ.
Also did a quiz
your name's Secret Meaning is...
"A Disgraced Royal"
What's your Name's Secret Meaning?at
QuizGalaxy.com I am sorry, but I was so bored.
The Basics
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: blue
Height: 159 cm
Relationship Status: Single
Religious Views: Don't really believe in anything but SCIENCE
My Favorites
Favorite Color: purple,
Favorite Car: I don't want a car, I want a motorcycle. Ducati Monster, yeah babeh
Favorite Movie: Way too many, but Memoirs of a Geisha is my newest on that list.
Favorite Hobby: reading fanfiction
Favorite Song/Singer:JPN Pride by ~Miyavi~
Favorite Book/Author: JK Rowling, Louise Rennison
Favorite School Subject: English
Favorite Vacation Destination: De Alpen in Frankrijk
Favorite Food:oooh so much to choose from. I love all food, really.
Favorite Restaurant: Urm...Happy Wok!
Favorite Animal: cats 'n dogs yo *insert fake gangsta pose*
Favorite Store:H&M, XRay,
Favorite Celebrity : Meevers, Gaze-men, Cloe Sevigny
Favorite Childhood Friend:Sherny, Imke, Wayee
Favorite Childhood Memory:Playing hide and seek with all the kids in the neighborhood...That was fun!
Favorite Baby Name: Remus, I kid you not
Favorite Person In Your Life:uhm...I have many favourites!
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Big Mac or Whopper: Wuts a Whopper, anyway?
Coke or Pepsi : Coke, I guess
Beer or Wine: Beer
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Apple Juice or O.J.: Orange Juice
Facebook or MySpace: Myspace. Don't have a Facebook, so easy
Summer or Winter: Winter
Windows or Mac: Windows
Cats or Dogs: cats
Boxers or Briefs:Briefs
Rain or Shine :Rain
Chips or popcorn; Popcorn
Salty or Sweet: sweet
Plane or Boat: Boat, deffo
Morning or Night:Morning
Movie or Play: movie.
Walk or Drive:Drive. If I had something to drive, obviously.
Money or Love: Depends who and how much is at stake here
Breakfast or Dinner: dinner
Forgiveness or Revenge: Revenge is fun
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
House or Apartment:Apartment
Do You?
Have Any Pets: Yes, 1 cat and three dogs, but they're technically owned by my parents
Have Any Children: Unless I have been pregnant without my knowledge, then no
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Exercise: What's that?
Spend Your Life On Facebook: Don't have it, either Livejournal or fanfiction.net or youtube.
Play On A Sports Team: No, I do not sport. It sucks
Belong To Any Organizations:Death Eaters!...Just kidding
Love Your Job: Not exactly,but it's not hate I feel either.
Like To Cook:Err, yeah, I'm just not good at it
Play An Instrument:I'd love to put guitar in there, but that would be lying
Sing: When I am alone,yes
Speak Multiple Languages:Yeah
Ice Skate:A bit, yes
Swim:Now , that I can do
Paint: Yes
Write: Hell yeah, smut all the way.
Ski:I've done it three times or sumthing. It's fun
Juggle:Does it count if the balls drop more than I can throw them?
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: Yeah, when I was younger I did it a lot.
Been Drunk Before Noon:Actually, no
Had Sex In A Public Place:Now, for that you'd have to have sex. Which I haven't.
Got Caught Telling A Lie: Obviously, yes.
Got A Speeding Ticket:For going too fast on a bycycle? *PWHAHAHAHA*
Been Arrested:No, I am a good young girl. *snorts*
Littered: Yes
Fantasized About A Co-Worker:Well, he is extremely hot, so..
Cheated On A Test:Lot's of times
Cheated In A Relationship: No
Failed A Class:Not really.
Screened Your Phone Calls:Why?
Eaten Food Off The Floor: Yeah, lots of times. Only at home though
Stuck Gum Under A Desk:Where else do you put it?
Wished You Were Someone Else: I would like to be someone else, only sometimes though.
Cried During A Movie: A lot of times. Only when I was alone, though
Had A One Night Stand: Nope
Describe Yourself In One Word:Careless
Biggest Fear:To be taken capture
Biggest Mistake:I guess that one still has to come.
Your Proudest Accomplishment: I don't really care what other people think of me, when it is about petty things.
#1 Priority In Your Life: I have yet to figure that out
Dream Job: Something thrilling, exciting and creative. But also something that doesn't tire me
Special Talents; I remember a lot of things that are practically useless, like memories of when I was five and I lost my teddybear, stuff like that
Where Are You Right Now:Livingroom
Where Would You Rather Be:Upstairs
Famous Person You Want To Meet:Uruha,
Place To Visit Before You Die: Japan, Englang, US, Carrebean, China
Song Played At Your Funeral:Regret - Itoshi Hito - Miyavi