Oct 30, 2007 10:05
I got the word today that Friday will be my last day with HRM Design and Construction Services.
...I know, I know, I've been let go from this position, like, a thousand times only to be brought back for another term, but this time really seems to be the coupe de grace. Christine, the "environmental Illness victim" is no longer a factor in the equation. The Union has dropped the hammer on me working four weeks on, one week off and demanded that a permanent position be posted. What that means is that my job will be advertised, available to all candidates internal (employees within the government) and external (me). The problem lies in the fact that any internal candidates who ante up for the position who are even remotely qualified ("do you have oposable thumbs? Can you walk if you have to?") will be offered the position before an external candidate's application will even be considered. Never mind that I've been doing the job since June -- none of that matters in an HRM job interview. All they care about is how the interviewed candidates score. They don't care who you are, what you've done, why you deserve the position. Can you write a decent resume? Can you score well on oral exams? Then we have a job for you.
Remind me again why I want to work for these people?
*sigh* Sorry for the rant, all. I'm just frustrated by what looks like another summer wasted and me making no headway on finding a permanent job.
Time to beat the streets again...