December's Shanville monthly was packed full of interesting bits and pieces, which I thought I'd share with other fans who will appreciate it. (I shared it with my flat mate, who looked at me as if I was just a little bit mad. Some people.)
My favourite piece of news is about the movie. Apparently it will be a 'green' movie, with Universal Pictures buying carbon offsetting for it. How awesome is that?
(Still no word about the official release date, though. Apparently it's more likely to be Spring, rather than February. A lot less awesome.)
With the Christmas season fast approaching,
Shanta Claus is back online. Only available in December, it's a fun little Christmas story set between Tunnels of Blood and Vampire Mountain. I highly recommend it, even if you've read it half a dozen times before. It never gets old.
The third - and possibly most important - piece of news is so huge that it gets a post of it's own. And a spoiler cut. Stay tuned!