Fandom: The Saga of Darren Shan
Title: The Path Untrod
Author: Falcon Whitaker
Pairing: References to Vancha March/Alice Burgess in Chapter One; references to Darren Shan/Debbie Hemlock in several places.
Rating & Warnings: Rated 15+ for strong, bloody violence and torture.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Saga of Darren Shan or any of the associated characters. I do not profit.
Feedback/Concrit Welcome?: Very much so.
Summary: As long as he does not change the course to the present, Desmond Tiny can do anything. And sometimes he can do more. Sometimes he can bend the path untrod.
Spoiler Warning! Do not read until you have finished The Saga! Major spoilers within!
Previous Chapters
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three (
Follow the fake cut! )