Hi! I'm so happy to have found this community, as I've rediscovered my love for this series because of the movie coming out, and also because I *finally* finished the series a few weeks ago (I had never finished the last book, kind of put it down after the climactic bit and never picked it up again until now, since I wanted to know the end before seeing the movie) and I NEED to discuss it with others!
I realize it's quite controversial, so I was wondering what you all thought, those of you who have read it all! :)
Personally I'm rather torn about it, on the one hand I found it very neat and clever the way he tied everything up and explained why his pename is the same as the protagonist, and I like the idea that Darren and perhaps the others will all have a happy ending (though I don't know why he's so sure that the poor schmuck he's subjecting his horrible destiny to--which is kind of wrong--will definitely go to Paradise without a problem....that was another issue I had with the book!)....but on the other hand, it is kind of off-putting for the whole series, all of our time and investment, to have kind of been for nothing--for it all to have never happened! It's like ending it with him waking up from a dream....I kind of feel cheated!
I did love the final fight with Steve, that was truly epic and tragic (just like their whole relationship is), and I did like how Darren became a martyr basically--how he let himself die to FIGHT and REJECT his destiny, rather than letting himself die because he thinks it's his destiny and that he has to do so....(yeah, I'm looking at YOU Harry Potter! :p). And reading it a second time, I came to appreciate the interlude part, I found it boring the first time (that's why I stopped reading back in 2006), but this time I liked it.....and I felt all tingly and sad and nostalgic when I read "The End. The Saga of Darren Shan" and the dates at the end! Hell, I also got chills when Darren turns out to be the one who hands out the souvenirs to Steve--that scene was very well done....
I'm just kind of sad we never learned about what was up with Debbie and co--though I suppose it doesn't matter now that none of it happened anyway......and I really hope that he will be reunited with Mr. Crepsley in Paradise, and Shancus, even though now the way things are the earth-bound Mr. Crepsley won't remember him.....:(
But yeah, in summary I was really shocked by the end, and found it to be pretty mature and satisfying, though on other levels unsatisfying at the same time, you know? In any case, I think the ending marks this series apart from other children's/YA series, just as I felt the end of Animorphs did for that series....