(no subject)

Aug 10, 2005 14:38

I'm moving up in the world - no longer am I the new boy in these parts.  there was even talk of moving me out of the basement.  The word 'promotion' was bandied about.  there's a new guy girl person in town and so half my work will be done for me this time!  That rocks - I think I might actually get to leave the office today.  Wonder what I'll do with all that spare time...

Woah, everyone move quietly to the side -majorly pissed drama teacher coming through

 Am I the only person who dreads the words 'Trust me it's going to be great' Run for the hills now folks - no good can come of this one

Buffy seems slightly narked at competition appearing  She doesn't do well on that scale.  Think someone should warn Amanda - after all, she tried to kill the last person who threatened her crown...

 Who needs legal qualifications at Wolfram and Hart Seems to me you'd be better off majoring in intrigue

Aww, look at all the ickle kiddies learning just how small their pond was  Welcome to the first steps into the big wide world

I don't get this kid  she goes out of her way it seems to get herself a reputation, then bitches about the fact she's got one...

I'd recommend major grovelling Not that I know all that much - my track record is less than shiny after all.

Lorne feels out on a limb Try being stuck in a basement sometime

 As always, Tara is the voice of reason  Bless her cottons

Trust me sweetie, compared to your roomie you're an angel and everyone loves you

Wow, Oz expressed doubts  Not something you see everyday

Doesn't sound like there's a whole lot you're not missing Yet nobody ever goes away *hums strains of Hotel California*


Now I  know what'll start world war three  They have to explode and destroy wach other sooner or later

Jan does some research and comes to completely the wrong conclusions Well, they do say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing

Next they'll be discussing life, the universe and everything  since I think they covered every other topic here

Cordy gets total recall But what we want to know, my dear, is  where did you bite him?

Hate to be the bleating voice of doom But I'm going to be - run away!   Run away!!

Yeah, take it from me - telling a girl you love her will always lead to pain and suffering

Finally the old man admits defeat  and rolls out the big guns - or, at least, the small redheaded gun

Oh look, Anya's being rude to people  Somethings never change

">Now, I have been told that plagarism is bad, possibly a crime. Personally, I consider it my ticket to getting out of here whilst it's still light outside...

And with that, I'm gonna grab my coat, switch off the computer and leave the rest of this crap to my good friend Colleague here...
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