(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 00:45

Faith is pissed off and Oz and Angel fight over who gets to um, soothe her. Okay, not really, but that would've made a really hot scene. Vampire vs. werewolf, rowr.

Jordan play emo boy and Jenny and Stefan take turns trying to soothe him. Stef gets a better response out of him, but I guess we knew that would happen, didn't we?

Cordy rejoices over being rich again, and hunts down Andrew to get her demon half back. Yeah, nerdboy better watch out, she probably no nicer that demon!Cordy.

Cecile plots to get all her new best buddies into the same sorority. The scary thing is, she'll probably fit right into to sorority life.

Buffy gives Amanda private fencing practice. Whoa, go Amanda, showing up the slayer!

Cassie's back in town and writing less depressing poetry.Bet she goes back to writing about death after she meets her college roommate.

Anya worries about Buffy running her business into the ground while she was on holiday. Hey, you were the one who had to stay to watch the hot dripping men--never mind, can I come next time?

Even after leaving his girlfriend to try dating his wife, Jordy is still plagued by women problems. Trust me, it's never gonna get any easier.

Sophie gushes over her big date with Jordy. Hmm, I'd go with the backless, might get you past that "comfortable" thing and on to the hot making out.

Janice finds a gift from Jordy on her bedroom windowsill. Uh, I think you might want to start keeping the shades drawn at night when you change. The stalker is now a peeping Tom.

Between wolf research, hot dates with Alan, and showing up Buffy at fencing, Amanda keeps busy. Why do I feel sorry for any frat boy that tries anything with her?

Christian discovers "Harmony" is an imposter. Does it really matter who she is if she gets you all hot and bothered like that?

Dawn looks forward to rooming with Sophie at college. Uh huh, once she's free to see Avasa whenever she wants, Sophie'll probably never see her.

Angel's definition of normal: crazy Wolfram and Hart chicks getting in Faith's face. Any excuse to have a heated argument with Lilah, huh?

Mayor Wilkins contacts his people, gets his apartment all magically spiffy, and makes plans to eat Buffy. Uh, does Riley know about this?

Spike thinks Wilkin's return spells trouble. Okay, how many shoes are up there? Cordy's entire shoe wardrobe?

Wood feels like an outside at Angel Investigations so he wants to go patrolling with Melaka. Actually, I think to really feel part of the group, you might have to sleep with Faith.

The senior partners take credit for the recent steroid scandals. Yeah, figured there was some evil force at work there.

Xander's paranoia of the ex-mayor makes his imagination work overtime. But why would anyone want to make a Wilkinsbot? Now, a Stefanbot, that would be worth building. Yum.

Gunn goes on about office politics at Wolfram and Hart. Uh, sorry, I totally lost my train of thought after he mentioned his ass.

Sophie goes all mushy and romantic over a rose. Totally missing the fact that she's got a peeping Tom, too. Sheesh, what's wrong with these girls that this doesn't freak them out?

After a little help from Taffy, Cain decides he's ready to get his life back together. Whoa, someone in town who actually makes sense!
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