if you're going to san fransisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...

Apr 24, 2006 14:40

i heart california.

its so beautiful here. you see mountains everywhere you go. the other day my uncle was driving my cousins to their little league softball game and we drove through napa where all the wine vinyards are, and on either side of the road there were rows and rows of grape vines. there were no grapes, but the little tiny trunks of the vines are so pretty, even without the grapes. my uncle was going to take me out on his motorcycle, but his foot is fucked up and he cant. damn. oh well, theres always next year.

i love it here so much. i love the house they live in. even though its kind of a part of a development, and every street has the name of a duck. this streets name is by far the best: "bufflehead". so great. i wish i lived on bufflehead street. my little cousins are all so cute. they always want to play, or to cuddle, or to watch movies or something. theyre not boring like my cousins next door, who just veg out all day watching the disney channel. my uncle is by far one of my favorite family members ever. he kind of reminds me of myself. if you just listened to the way he talks, you would assume hes mean. but hes really not. when he talks about his kids, its the cutest thing. how aozora can kick any boy who's twice her size ass in judo, how tsukiko makes blueprints for inventions like chicken launchers, or how little micheal says "daddy, i dont think i believe in santa, the easter bunny, or god, cause i aint seen one of 'em" (hes 6) my uncle can be harsh, but hes really cool, and funny. my aunt is great too. shes from japan, and makes the best japanese food on the planet. and she always makes sure theres no meat or anything in mine. shes really quiet, but when she does say something its usually really sweet and cute. they also have a bunch of pets. a dog, 3 cats, a parrot that can meow, and each of the kids have their own hamster. and they live about 5 minutes away from a six flags, which we went to yesterday. aozora (whos only 10) decided to go on all the big kid roller coaster rides with me. she was so scared, but as soon as the rides ended she yelled "LETS DO IT AGAIN!" and i told her i wouldnt tell her mom or dad if she swore on the rides, and she did, but she knows not to do it anymore. shes not at my level of cursing yet ;).

if i didnt have such awesome friends in chicago and there was no such thing as pizza cut in squares, and other chicago-esque stuff, id really love living here with them. the only downside (besides the ones stated above) is that theres no good public transportation here. and its in the middle of nowhere, but its in the pretty middle of nowhere. and its nice out all the time, the worse that happens is that it rains, and i like rain.

ill be sad to go home tomorrow. i feel really happy here, it helps me get over my dumb worries about work and any heartbreak i was feeling. and it sucks that i only get to see my favorite family only once a year... maybe now that i have a job i can save for a plane ticket out here later in the year...

i dont see how jack terricloth can hate california. its the love of my life.

p.s. the dreadlocks have been officially snipped. RIP. now i have this funky fauxhawk thing. pictures will be posted when i have access to a camera.
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