May 15, 2004 00:45
I went into Albury today for my doctors appointment
how bodatious
aparently, my dust allergy can be cured in one hit dur to a mixture of Western and Eastern therapy. It was so weird. First the doctor twisted my arm to isolate some muscle, then got me to push against his hand. Then, whenever I held a bad substance in my other hand, my body would go weak and we'd know what was bad for me. Basically he put a small glass tube of car fumes into my hand, and I pushed with the other one and I had no strength. And everything else that i was allergic too had the same results: Dust and dust products. Then I held all the bad toxin dealies in my hand while he used this punching machine down my spine to wake up my immune system to remind me that dust wont kill me, or some crap, and whee bang im cured.
So I hope
theres an 83% success rate
I'll update later, cause the movie The Last Samuri is back on.