Title: And So You're Back From Outer Space
Characters: Russia/America
Rating: PG
Summary: 1979 - The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan signals the end of the Détente, and America brings back Russia's things.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
The sudden sweep of snowy cold when Russia answered the door was enough to make him shiver. )
That line made me snort. No lie.
Aw, Russia wishes he could rock those pants too, just for America
Russia wishes he could rock those pants too, just for America
I know America wishes Russia would rock those pants for him.
Perhaps the two of them could just go to a disco. Then both of them could rock those pants.
Perhaps the two of them could just go to a disco. Then both of them could rock those pants.
Well, and you know what would happen then.
I'd pay good money to see the two of them having a dance fight in tight vinyl pants. *waggles eyebrows*
Why does the kink meme have to be on a request freeze? I need a fic about this like burning.
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