Title: Under Grey Towers
Characters: Russia/America.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: 1971 - A new winter, a new detente, and a new chance to try and get things right. Or at least not get them too wrong.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
So, yeah, these are the Minuteman ICBM silos... )
You win at descriptions of their feelings... it's so clear they missed each other like crazy <3
Oh God, they have. It's been almost ten years! Of being in love and just waiting for them to be able to handle that better. These two have been apart more than they've been together. ._.
TCE has helped me with my headcanon of Russia and America... especially America, I must say. I support the idea of his maturity during this period, there were so many happenings to not to grow up little by little.
That's such a nice thing to hear! We're really glad you like them. =D We totally think that the nations grow and change over time, because...(real) nations DO grow and change over time, you know? We hope that we've managed to keep their core characteristics intact while they've both done a LOT of growing up, over the past century or two.
Sorry if I was quick, messy and probably foolish, but I am still so excited that I can't write well and moreover I am not English-speaker, so... D:
Your comment was very sweet, thank you for taking the time to write it! =D And your English is fantastic--I never would have known you weren't a native speaker!
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