Title: My Death Will Have Your Eyes [Pt 3]
Characters: Russia/America.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 1962 - Russia attempts to renegotiate the terms of his deal, and America finally draws a line in the sand.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
America had been quivering inside his clothes ever since he got up that morning. )
Comments 123
oh boys.
I cannot post anything more coherent than that. Just, omg. I was truly whimpering out loud while I was reading this. Boys, whyyyyyyyyy. ;_____;
This had to happen, awful as it is. An ultimatum is, in the end, exactly what the two of them need.
coherency has left the building.
Holy shit that was so intense! Even though I know what's going to happen I just-- aaaaaarrrgh! You stupid, stupid boys, why are you so stubborn!?
Keep going, keep going, I'll die without it!
We are both kind of thrilled that we can still drag you guys to the edge of your seats, even when a lot of the twists are just a Google search away. XD
Keep going, keep going, I'll die without it!
It's coming, man! Hang in there!
But seriously I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, clicking the scroll ball on my mouse going "oh shit" Lol. And if I may, hopefully this doesn't come out badly, but it actually kinda felt... nice(?)... to see America defending his stance on something so strongly. Half the time he seems hesitant or unsure or has this fake air of confidence, but this felt raw and real.
Awesome job guys, I can't wait for the next installment! :D
No, I totally understand. In the past, America has tempered some of his responses with Russia (just as anyone might make allowances for someone they love), but here it's just...too much. In America's eyes, this is Russia saying what he's has been waiting for decades to hear, and then backpedaling. There's no way he's excusing something like that.
I also think America just--isn't very confident when it comes to Russia. (Why else would he need FIVE THOUSAND MISSILES to back him up, kinda overcompensating there kiddo a little bit.) Russia's always kept him off-balance and on his toes, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally, and America's hesitated to get in his face in the past because Russia's got a knack for knocking his feet out from under him.
Also, America is 18 and is dumb around the boy he likes. It's a thing. We've all been there.
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