Title: Stand-Off
Characters: Russia/America
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 1961 - The escalation of tensions between Russia and America following the construction of the Berlin Wall leads to a guns-drawn stare-down as the Berlin Crisis hits its peak.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
They stood twenty paces apart, guns out, aimed between each other's eyes, their feet square on the damp asphalt. )
But, something did change in Russia didn't it? The atmosphere was strange towards the end. I'm pretty much with America on - OH. OHH. I guess Russia understand something different when America said his arm was tired. So, the "I imagine I'll see you soon" was.. "I'll see you soon but in Cuba." Right? Probably not but I'm just trying to understand the whole "missing something"... Hmm.
Anyway, amazing writing yet again. And you girls have pretty much made my night. :)
Very nice catch. That's going to be important over the next couple chapters (as in: Cuba). So, no spoilers, but--yeah, Russia had a very different reaction to that than America intended.
So glad you enjoyed it, thank you for reading! =D
Ohh definitely no spoilers! The anticipation and the wait are half the fun! I don't think I'll ever get tired of thanking you for writing this, so thanks. XD
Wait, does this count as a spoiler? Ohh gosh. I hope not.
Thats what Russiamerica and the lack of sleep do to me. D:
It's my favorite one. :)
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