May 19, 2004 15:26
megan asked me a question a really long time ago that i've been thinking about. what do i label myself as? i'm not emo. i'm not a jock. i'm not a surfer. i'm not a cheerleader. i'm not a punk. i'm not a skater. i'm not a drugee/stoner. i'm not a musician/rocker person. i'm not a nerd. i'm not a fashion whore. and i'm certainly not one of those beautiful girls that doesn't need a group because she belongs to every group because everyone loves her. so what am i?
it actually really confuses me, because i don't know what group i belong to. it's almost that i have no idea where i'm supposed to go at lunch because i don't feel welcome in any of the 'groups.' i don't know what to do. am i supposed to try out all these new things to see what my label is? whatever. i'm fucking over it and i'm fucking over this stupid school and it's stupid exclusive cliques.