Jan 14, 2010 15:58
So I watched Avatar last night and was very pleased with it. The Pandoran world was refreshingly well-developed, and the movie meant something, which isn't something you see too much anymore (and it made me cry. A lot. And I don't cry at movies). And I completely forgot that most of the animals and plants were animated, because the animation was just so perfect. It was amazing and I totally want to see it again. If you haven't seen it yet, go do it. Now. I doubt you'll get the full effect of everything unless you see it on a big screen.
I got home last night and didn't want to go to sleep but I kinda had to because I was dead on my feet, but this morning I woke up at eight thirty and grabbed my brand-spanking-new sketchbook and started drawing like crazy. I took a break for a shower and some dusting, but the thing still took me about five hours to complete; usually it wouldn't take me so long but I actually did a background and then inked it. I'm happy with it overall (and it's by far the most detailed picture I've ever done with ink), but I'm displeased that there doesn't seem to be a focus - or, rather, that the focus is a bunch of plants behind the Large Animal and not the Large Animal itself. I am, however, glad that I forced myself to do the detail on Iashin's robes. It took forever, but I'm very happy with the way they turned out. Even if Iashin does look like a girl from the back.
I just looked at it again, and holy shit the claw on that thing's thumb is, like, the size of my arm. I'll try to get it uploaded at some point.
holy shit wow,