Apr 07, 2006 02:25
That's right, unfortunately this week has been total hell in a sense (well come on, it IS the last week of this grading period after all). Let's start with the basics, I'm failing Math (and so is 60-80% of everyone else in the school...at least from what people say), I'm probably failing World Geography (this I'm unsure about, I mean...I got a 70, a bloody SEVENTY on my Africa test. Then there's the fact that I didn't turn in a folder! Now I'm still pondering on the thought that perhaps Ms. Barfield didn't require us to turn it in and the little "test" we took acts as that grade's substitute. If so, then I made a grade between 60-100 ^_^. Anyways, for the last bit on World Geography...I have a Test...today, end of the day over South Asia...I have to squeeze time in to study but first I have to type these 5 papers), on Tuesday I got up at 8:20 (Adam already knows at that time I surely would have missed the bus...seeing as how our bus driver comes early to pick us up but is always late in the afternoons...), missed the bus but I had intended to wake Dad up to bring me to school. Thing is, I could have made it to school...it's just I had to go search my closet for these packets (that have just up and vanished...all that work, GONE! >_<) and well...heh, there's a death trap in there (that I finally told my Dad about...-.-). There's this round table (antique, maybe 50-80 years old) that has a glass top (apparently this type of glass is not made anymore...)...well, about a month ago I went searching for something in the closet and set my hand on the able and pushed on it...and what happens when Checko applys too much force? Ya got it, the glass shattered and I'm lucky I didn't cut myself then. Now you're wondering "why the hell is there a table in your closet?!", to answer that...I used this table to store my important stuff...then it just sorta sat there until Halloween, where I used the table to put up this glowing mechanical witch ((I think we got ...2 trick or treaters? Disadvantage to living in an condominium complex. Most people are already adults (with a few teenagers and little children...this is excluding everyone else from Round Rock who comes here on Friday to use the damn pool and party...) and when someone goes around trick-or-treating, they don't think to enter an apartment complex like this. )) but that's about all I used it for then (aside from sticking my papers on it occasionally). Then there was the time when I brought in the vaccum to clean my room...I put the table in the closet and then I was too lazy to bring it back out. ANYHOW, back to the main dilema...on Tuesday I went back into the closet looking for papers and I had horrible luck...so I checked inside the table (which still had this piece of large glass attached in it's rightful place...) and I sliced the skin on my pointer finger's nuckle only to end up bleeding like crazy. Sooo...I went to go get a paper towel and I held preasure on the wound...then I looked at the time and thought "Should I go to school or not?"...my coinsence was telling me to go but me...I couldn't go with a wounded finger...I'd be bleeding all over the place...so I chose to just say home and I slept till about 4:50 (the time we usually get home from school on the bus). I owe the fools a note now...I'll take care of that later today.
Let's see...Wenseday, I act like I'm following the DS club...but instead break away to go to the computers so I can work on finishing my project (which I failed to do) in BCIS. It was poorly underdeveloped (and I don't like my work to be so crappy...), so when my turn came up to present that morning I could have just said "not going" but nope, I got to go into an explaination and I made a bigger fool out of myself than I should have. With that embarrasment, I continued on to PE...which was pretty easy I suppose, except for the fact that we had to run the mile and I fail at that. I jogged two laps, walked 2...got like 15:12 or something X_X which hopefully is above a 60...Sean Perry (Adam knows this guy, he's considered calling him "Java") Jogged the whole damn thing and got 8 minutes and something seconds. He obviously got an A...but oh well, I got a 50 on the last mile and at the end of the six weeks I had an 86 average. Now I went on to Math class...heh...doesn't it figure? A TEST! Yes, a test...one I neglected to study for and probably failed MISERABELY on. God...maybe I should just have sex with the teacher and get my grade up...because passing normally just doesn't work.
Thursday...hm, still a bad day...but not really...so what kind of day is it then? Well, I whoop the other guys asses at Mario Kart (52 points be-atch! Ahead of the race, they're back by like 20), so I thought "This is the start of a good day! ^_^". Well, wrong...it was a half and half day. First half was alright..in English 2 I got lucky with the journals (I can turn them in this morning with no penalty on my grade) and character chart (for Taming of the Shrew), but in German class I'm sure I did terrible on my test...as for IPC, yeah...she decided to give me the test anyways even though I missed getting the review last time (and looking over the review she printed out, it's pathetic how the test and review are so different...). I mighta passed...I probably haven't though. And then the usual, I had to stay after school for the stupid World History thing...
Alright, up to now we are...I have to write 5 papers, study for a test later today, go in at 8:00 to work on that project and hopefully get a 70. Now, with all of that crap said...let's get off of the subject of a horrible week to something more light hearted.
Kingdom Hearts II, yep...you knew I was going to say something about it...I'd say I'm 90% done with the journal in the game...I just have to beat Sephiroth, beat the Underground Tournament matches and get these outragious scores in minigames. I'm at the very end of the game...I beat the first round with the last boss and there's a save point after that, so I used that and now I'm also collecting all the synthesis items required to make objects. I have Ultima Weapon for Sora, Save the Queen+ for Donald and Save the King for Goofy. I need to make Save the King+ THEN finish off making all the other things in the Synthesis workshop (not to mention level my Moogle up some more...), collect 30 of about every item and somehow have 1,000 synthesis items. Yeah...I gots some work to do.
There's also this Shadow of Rome demo disc someone lended me and I should play that soon...I heard it's great and violent as hell (heh heh...Checko likes >=) ) ...and of course that spore video Adam keeps going on about, I might as well watch it sometime...but I'm not really a fan of games where you create your own person/monster and do stuff with it...
OH, I heard there was an accident with a bus...could it possibly be my bus? It happened after my bus stop apparently...Adam's probably okay but I'm not sure about The Guy (aka Tom Cruz...;>> )...however, I did hear that the Bus driver was injured...no news on any of the students. The bus was very close to where we live...so I'm thinking it's either ours or the retard bus (heh..."DEE DEE DEE" oh look, a flying retard! SPLAT! ).
I'm also feeling that I may be turning slightly racist towards Asians (but that's not my intention!). I keep making fun of them ;_; yet I love the Asians! Especially their girls ;>>...but yeah, the guys are cool too (ew, not in that way! Sick mind there Adam...). I mean, I don't feel hate for Asians...not one bit but I may actually sound racist by saying some of the things I do "I BLAME THE ASIANS" and stuff like that. Perhaps it's in my head...who knows. Odd thing is...I'm also starting to constantly call my cat, whose name is Tigger, white. "WHAT'S UP WHITE BOI?!" "You're so white Tigger.." "I HATEZ WHITE PEOPLE!". I don't know what's happening...it's shallow how I am now...ARGH, I'M BEING SHAPED BY TV AND MOVIES! I keep saying Mang...I end up talking like someone from the streets, crap crap crap!
Okay, it's been good fun typing and all but I really have to write these papers...more updates later.
Checko out!