Nov 01, 2008 17:40
[-Has a very stern and if not authoritative tone within his voice as he makes this brief recording-]
Now that such a morbid display of amoral deeds and flamboyant futility has finally ended, I trust it is secure to conduct a comportment of order here in this homely metropolis.
judge magister gabranth has spoken
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When isn't there a murder around here? I guess it went a couple weeks.. damned amazing.
The crime statistics here exceed the statistics of the Empire, not that I am pleasantly surprised by such truths considering Archades should never be compared to this depraved and repulsive paradise.
However, this does not mean that such crimes shall be taken lightly even if they happen on a daily basis.
I kinda like that. It's mostly how I think of the city, except I don't mind it.
People are jaded. So, don't expect much, cold as that's gonna sound. Maybe some of those lawyer-type people will do something, but most of 'em won't feel the need to.
To have ill emotions about this atrocious realm is not uncommon but for one to become so indifferent and callous...
Yeah, it doesn't seem right. But people are like that, and they'll get used to anything. It seems like personal anger gets them riled.. but not many of them knew Grace. So, there's not enough manpower for a mob. This time.
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