Apr 27, 2005 01:40
I'm digging the new weezer album, call me a big ol' lameass if you want. Someday Rivers and I will get roast beef sandiwches together, then later we'll go over to Hulk Hogan's house and watch the chapelles show. I have dreams motherfuckers!!
After doing the first page of what was going to be my final project today I've decided I hate it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great like I wanted. I chose to combine Indian black and white drawings with marvel comics style. What a pain in the ass that is, to do it to a level I would enjoy it would end up compromising both styles and it would just be fucked up. FUCKED UP! So I have a new idea, it came to me today when I was watching other people put their stuff up for crit, simpsons meets norman rockwell. I'm just going to do Homer in place of Norman himself in that self portrait he did of himself doing a self portrait of himself. It'll be up on my deviant page when it's done, you'll see it.
Also Brooke did the sweetest Robotech painting, I want it, Travis doesn't deserve it.
Speaking of Brooke, I went out with her, John and some of Brookes friends and we did the trivia at Ri-Ra's this evening. I don't really reccomend the trivia, the microphone they have cuts out during every other word and the guy who does it has a thick irish accent. The real trivia questions should have been, what the hell did I just say? Then the answer would have been "Riggely-diggely dee ohhhh me danny boy hi-ta-tie-riggely-diggely" because thats how all Irish people talk. I am of course joking, I'm part irish myself ya know.
We're not going go karting for troy's bachelor party anymore. It's 20$ a race and it only last 8 minutes. I would assume that while you're waiting in line a burly maine wallops you in the junk with a louisville slugger.
Tony asked me the other night if he could steal some of the things I say around Flatbread, because he thought they were really funny. I informed how most of the guy friends I've had in the past usually steal my jokes to impress women. I don't call them on it when I see what they're doing because I suppose they need all the help those idiots can get. So pretty much they're public domain, not as if I had any way to really copywrite them in the first place. I had a good comeback for something the other night though and I couldn't remember what it was, I need to ask Tony and see if he remembers. I need to write these fuckers down for the comic!
speaking of comics ( I'm addicted to segways!!!) I've had 3 people this week ask me if I had ever done stand up comedy, and then ask me why I don't keep doing it. I don't know, I just thought it was odd.
The new XXX movie comes out this weekend, this guy is very excited : ) I can only hope that everything explodes in this movie for almost no reason whatsoever like in the last movie.
Did I mention how happy I was earlier when I went out tonight, how wonderful it was to not be going out for an evening with flatbread people. Man I swear if college was like this when I first started attending I might have actually cared instead of turning into a massive black hole of depression...oh well live and learn or something.
Saw some beautiful trees tonight, blossom trees I believe, not sure.
Webcomics have been dissapointing as of late, like they're all just going through the motions. Of course every website I've been going to has some essay or forum rant on the state of webcomics in general and how it's all ass and whatnot. I have my opinions on a lot of them, none of which really need to be broadcasted because they're just opinions and they're nothing new, I do think people need to lighten up a bit though...or go outside and ride a bike or something...I don't fucking know.
Anything else...NOPE!