Sep 23, 2005 16:33
2000-In 2000 things began to dwindle to a slow halt for cousin trips, beginning in February 2000, Jesse stayed for about 4 days at our old house, Ben turned 18, and went to the Mall of Georgia, which is the only time ive gone. Skip to Thanksgiving 2000, at P and G's house with the Bozwellz. This is documented on video, with David going through his various puberty phases and other over seen riff raff. 2 visits/trips.
2001-Can you say nothing, nothing, and more nothing? The only cousin trip documented is the August 2001 visit from the Bosewellsthatendswells. The video is around 2 hours plus, and worthless audio to boot, too. Theres about 40 minutes of actual watchable footage from this one. Thanksgiving was glib and short, just G and P for 2 hours at Ryans in Lagrange.
2002-Saw John and Davie on Thanksgiving, along with everyone else, The big N(first time since 1999) and Jesse 'the great.' Documented well, actually worth rewatching, but theres a lot of kind of pointless shots in this one. The only regret is not filming our basketball game, where some folks from the hood played against us. I think. Either way Nathan hurt his foot, sprained it some way i suppose. Some highlights were Nathan being funny about popooo, "hey...ask that guy if he has a football." John played us some new sea chanties and old, while Davidson was locked onto the Sims Hot Date. I did notice something though, everyone got quiet when N and J left. There was a silence among them that was peculiar and even i was caught up in the silence..Oh yeah and i got sick from the outside playing.
2003-Thanksgiving was the next time N and J were seen, Nathan refused to spend the night for some reason, and we rented a Dodge Neon for the trip. This is documented with the camera with Nathans army buddy Miles, who said some pretty funny shit. "Nathan! I wish i knew you back in the day, man. That Houston Assholes hat, haha. Oh! Look at Nathan in this picture when he was 6! Haha!" Nathan did something noone really noticed, he put on a ski mask and proceeded to scare his mom in the kitchen, and she made him take it off. I think this is the first appearance of Sum, Jesse's wifey. Christmas was about the same, just not filmed, no Miles, and more Sum. Nathan again refused to spend the night..
2004-May, the last day of school for 11th grade for me. Jesse wanted us last minute to go to a Cool Hand Luke concert, the show and trip were pretty unspectacular. I remember jess asking me,'ever heard of 8 bit theatre?' And i kept saying"sounds familiar...hmm.." and jesso was so perplexed that i kept trying to remember, he even thought it odd of me to keep trying to remember if id been to the site or not. Either way, pretty funny. Spent Christmas with the Jess and Nate, didnt film it, went outside walking, Nathan spent some quality time with Ben, or was that 2003? At any rate Nathan was coming down with something and had to leave(again)..Or was that 2003? The lines are blurring. I remember beforehand calling Aunt B.a. and asking if we could come over, i bought them some bird statues and bathroom light things. Almost didnt go to the gramps, but in the end after numerous cancellations, we decided to go there, and Ben got a new car. Havent seen them since, and i dont know what to do for this year, we'll see.
All in all, the 2000s havent seen many trips, but then again there isnt much need for them anymore, i mean i used to rely on seeing my folks as a social fun thing to look forward to, and itd be nice to see them again, but theyre a million miles away.