my mole can be your hero baby.

Dec 12, 2005 21:40

xhairinacup: he did have sex with my mole though
xhairinacup: you can take my mole to your high school prom
Kaitisonfiyah: only if ur mole can belly dance
xhairinacup: my mole has it's own zip code.. 4021mole
Kaitisonfiyah: u can 69 with my mole
xhairinacup: you can use my mole as an anal bead
Kaitisonfiyah: u can play sockem boppers with my mole
xhairinacup: you can pluck my mole hairs and give it to locks of love
Kaitisonfiyah: u can use my mole as a dildo
xhairinacup: you can lick my mole like a popsicle
Kaitisonfiyah: well I gotta go, Ill see u at school tomorrow
xhairinacup: love you bitch
Kaitisonfiyah: ditto...kiss ur mole goodnight 4 me
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