Jun 12, 2009 01:40
Pictures make me realize many things, one of them is this: When you grow apart from your ‘best friend’ you realize how much it hurts because suddenly you have seven years worth of memories and thoughts like ‘it’ll never end - we’ll be like this forever’ that you know you thought when the picture was taken. Best friends moving away or having grown apart from when you were little never ever hurt this much because you didn’t have that many memories or that deep a connection.
And so when you find that you’ve grown apart you suddenly wonder ‘what did I do?’ It becomes a constant weight on your chest, especially when you felt something so much more only to realize that because you were young and didn’t know how to react to such advances you might have hurt them more than you ever realized. You realize how jealous you get when you find that you’re not good enough to talk too compared to a mutual friend. And you struggle not to hate that Mutual friend. You struggle not to cry every time you feel the regrets coming back. You struggle to cling to the friends you still have you struggle to fill that void and find it’s hard and that no one can fill that void.
Growing up sucks, it sucks hard core - and I don’t want to let go… I don’t want to let go.