random meme

Jun 12, 2007 22:27



*Car overheated again.
*Bought Wicked soundtract.
*Bought Grease soundtract.
*Went to work.

65 things you might not know about me, nicked from xx_sorceress_xx

1. What is your middle name?
2. How big is your bed?
Only just big enough for me and montie

3. What are you listening to right now?
ONE SHORT DAY!. My goodness Wicked is the greatest album I've ever heard.

4. What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?

5. What was the last thing you ate?
Cake and icing!!!! Yum!

6. Last person who drove you somewhere?
I drove myself a lot of places. Hmmmmm..... I think my mum drove me somewhere the other day.

7. How is the weather right now?
Dusty. .... hang-on no it isn't. That's my ceiling. The weather is damp and cold.

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Mum. She was calling about some e-mail I needed to send to some other random person. Don't ask me!

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
That they are just that.

10. Favorite type of Food?

11. Do you want children? How many?
Want children? Want children to go away.

12. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?
Possibly, but if I have I've forgotten the entire DAY too. If so, no one has told me.

13. Hair colour?

14. Eye colour?
Also Yes.

15. Do you wear eye contacts?
In entreme circumstances!!! Dun DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!

16. Favorite holiday?
Ones to exotic islands, with dancing and singing and board games.

17. Favorite Season?
The end of Spring.

18. Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?
Over? I don't cry. And if I did it wouldn't be OVER anyone. Except montie. She and I can share our deepest secrets.

19. Last Movie you Watched?
Shrek 3!!! And before that.... SHREK 3!

20. What books are you reading?
I'm trying to read Wheel of Time 2, "the great hunt". But I haven't been too successful yet. But UNI holidays await!!!

21. Piercings?

22. Favorite Movie?

23. Favorite AFL team?
The swans! - Cause they have a picture of "THE OPERA HOUSE" on their jerseys. The opera house is my favourite building.

24. What were you doing before this?
Eating Cake.

25. Any pets?
MONTIE!!!! (my one true love).

26. AIM?
At what?

27. Favorite Flower?

28. Have you ever loved someone?
MONTIE! (and marmalade, but she's dead)

29. Who would you like to see right now?
Strangely, I wouldn't mind talking to CASPER right now. Good old casper, we haven't talked in a while.

30. Last time you cried?
Gosh... I don't cry very much at all. But I think I may have released a tear the other day, whilst delivering pizzas. I JUST HATED IT SO-O much! And life... LIFE!!!!! It was too much.

31. Do you like to travel by plane?
I've only done it twice... but I loved IT!

32. Right-handed or Left-handed?
Both at different times.

33. If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
L.A. I want to speak to Andrew Adamson. RIGHT NOW. (I need to say some particularly blunt things to him, before it's too late).

34. Are you missing someone?
I'm missing everyone. Except montie *pats*

35. Do you have a tattoo?
Only in my dreams.

36. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
No, sorry about that Saturday disney. You didn't read out my letter, so I got discouraged.

37. Are you hiding something from someone?
Possibly. I can't think of anything. Hmmm... I didn't tell the girl at work how annoying she was today. Does that count?

38. Are you 18?
Ahhhh... oddly enough I'm not.

39. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
I'm confused by this question.

40. Did you get enough sleep last night?
I didn't think it was possible to get enough sleep.

41. First thing you thought about this morning:
"Ahhh... the dryer is on."

42. What do you have handy at your bedside?
Montie!!! Oh and also my notebook thing.

43. Grilled or fried?
Neither. Isaac's are not for eating!!!

44. Whens the last time you saw your best friend(s)?
You mean montie? She's with me right now.

45. Are you afraid of the dark?
Only of the Dark side of the force, and its corrupting ways.

46. 1 person you can't live without?
At the moment, MONTIE!!!!!!!!!!! She takes away all my heartache.

47. First thing you will buy if given 50 thousand dollars?
A plane ticket. Wahoo-ooo!!

48. Favorite song?
All for you - from suessical. OR Magic changes - from Grease. Or Defying gravity - from Wicked. OR holding out for a hero - from Shrek 2. Or I will always love you. ... gosh there's so many!!

49. What are you most afraid of?
Pretty scared of Wolves. And sharks. And Funnel Webs. And Trucks.

50. Are you a giver or a taker?
In life - giver. In board games - taker! YES! *hi fives self*

51. What do people call you for short?

52. Whats your dad's middle name?
Glynne. How random.

53. What's your mom's middle name?
Hope. Also random.

54. Stuck on a deserted island & could bring 4 things?
MONTIE!!! A large blank book. A few really good pens. A packet of tim tams.

55. Favourite T.V. commercial?
The one where the harbour bridge falls down. So Spectacular!!!

56. Who's your cell phone provider?

57. (If you have a locker) Whose to your left and whose to your right?
Kate Winslet. Bette Mitler.

58. Favorite color?
Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blue all the way!!! (followed by red)

59. What are two things you always bring with you?
iSPACE, paper and pens.

60. What did you wanna be when you were a kid?
I always I wanted to be a teacher. Maybe it'll still come true. (unless they'll let me onto the shrek 4 team, or the Narnia films team).

62. What do you usually do when the clock turns 7AM?
Cuddle montie!! And sleep.

63. The color of your bedsheet?
It's a QUilt! Mainly blue.

64. Who do you want to meet?
Andrew Adamson. Or Stephen Swartz.

65. What do you think about before you go to bed?
Should I do this or this or this or this. And then evidently decide not to, cause I go to bed.

Did I do that cut correctly?

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