May 07, 2006 17:04
Well hello clan.
After sitting and procrastinating over this annoying ambiguous assignment I have for "Media Arts and Production" (the assignment is on "visual musical" and how directors can make sequences look fluid and wonderful), I decided that the only way I would be able to do it, was choose to do the 2 brilliant Shrek and Shrek 2 montages of glory.
So, I'm doing the hallelujah thing, and the holding out for a hero thing.
Since everyone in the history of mankind thinks Shrek is brilliant and amazing and wonderful, this is going be an easy and difficult assignment.
Difficult, because my class mates and tutor will have more inciteful things then me to say about it already,
and easy... because all you people are going to think of clever things for me to say!
Now, the tutor reminds me slighlty of a male version of Ms Stevens.
It's creepy.
So, use this as an excuse to watch the shrek movies, and takes notes for me.
I have to talk to the class this friday... so be quick!