The day just gets better

Nov 14, 2007 21:04

So, the rapper I booked in tonight decided to go to Vegas instead of come to his session.  Sweet.  Then ten minutes ago, the band I have booked in next weekend called to tell me their drummer broke his arm.  awesome.  So, we leave for a whole week to New York in two weeks.  No income there.  I have a custom guitar that's being finished this month and the other half needs to be paid for.  Awesome.  Christmas.  Say no more.  January 4th we embark on nearly a two week tour.  No moolah.  Plus, the Christmas season is nearly impossible to book bands in due to them needing their money for other things.  I'll be in the poorhouse by next year.  haha.  Not to mention the other little bullshit things going on in life.  It's really hard to be positive today.
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