To: All of my friends, so-called friends, and stalkers who visit this journal:
I'm inviting all of you to dinner + drinks at my house at 7 pm this Friday, Oct. 28, 2005. If you need directions or instructions on how to get to my place, then leave a message, e-mail me, text me, or call me.
Yeah, since my birthday is on Oct. 31 which is usually when people are out of town, I've decided to have my party on Friday instead. This will be before the Hard Rock Cafe Costume Haloween Ball that I'll also be attending. I highly recommend to all that will be going to my party to bring your costume to my house since I live so close to Hard Rock.
Gifts are not required, but if you plan to give me one and you're out of ideas, here are the following:
1. books - remember, with me, sci-fi or fantasy works, but i'll read anything. it doesn't even have to be new or in perfect condition. almost anything would fit in my eclectic collection. however, self-help/motivational books will be quickly used as heating fuel.
2. vodka - i can always use a new bottle. no brand preferences, as even the nasty ones can be disguised with good mixing.
3. pc games - i am constantly looking for new pc strategy or rpgs. any roms would also be appreciated.
4. lotion - i am a lotion addict. i personally prefer the johnson's milk baby lotion, but once again, not picky here.
Oh, and weird links for today:
Gallery of Bellydancing Librarians It's okay to have sex on Sundays, says the Church of England