Jan 07, 2007 07:33
I have been propositioned for sex before.
I have also been mistaken for a prostitute.
But you, my friend, are the first one to go so far as to actually ask me, "How much?"
The fact that you did this at 12 midnight from behind the wheel of your SUV in business attire makes all this even more surreal.
And to all you naysayers out there who'll blame me for this incident, saying it was my fault for dressing up like an oversexed closeted metrosexual boyband member, then would you believe I was actually NOT dressed up as one? Instead, I was actually wearing extremely comfy, extremely dumpy clothes.
Also: I need a new icon. Suggestions are welcome. Even better, give me one that says something like, "Not a male prostitute. Damnit."
weird life