May 22, 2005 21:51
I was up until 3am last night. Watching Star Wars and stuff, but it was worth it. I don't know how I managed to wake up @ 6:30.. but I did. Man my alarm is SO annoying. And the snooze is like, 5 minutes. What kind of a snooze is that? Its more of a "hurry up and close your eyes so I can beep @ you once more". lame. Anyways, went to church. Good service.. I like how Jim has been talking about individuals and really trying to focus on finding the good qualities in people. I'm excited for next week.. We played basketball afterwards, "my presence is pointless!" "oh god now hes dancing" "game face!" Good times.
After church, went to Jamba with Justin and Joe... Justin had a medicine drink, Joe's needed sugar.. peach PLEASURE. caribbean PASSION. strawberries WILD. What is this? meh. Went over to party city to get Krystals balloons.. riding in the back seat with balloons is NOT fun. Stopped off at Joe's. MMmm Tamales. glorious. I fell asleep. oops. Maybe I shouldn't stay up until 3?
Got to Krystal's, met her gramma, Louie & Jeff came, and I was the first in the pool. Volleyball was a mistake. The jacuzzi was extremely hot, if you know what I mean. Then the INSANITY began. *raises eyebrows*. Good talks though. We all did tongue tricks. I can whistle with my tongue. There was a lot more, but I'm not in the mood to write anymore...
so yes.
from what i saw of spaceballs. its quite stupid, which might make it kind of good. MAYBE. Too bad I wanted to watch Harry Potter and no one else did.
Man I ate a lot today.