British people are so lazy!

May 27, 2010 19:16

After being here for only a month or so now Ive seriously noticed how lazy British people actually are! Most of us avoid outside activity like the plague, unless the activity involves a BBQ. Since I've been here I've played basket ball more than once, and frisbee and also I've gone on lots of hikes... I call them hikes instead of walks as theres lots of hills that turn walking into actually a fair amount of effort so I thought it deserved the label of hiking :)

(Look see, Frisbee!)

Yes that is Teddy you see behind me, he comes with us everywhere at the moment, lucky pooch! Despite actually taking part in the activities of Norway I am still CLEARLY not dressed for the occasion, Trainers really did no go with that outfit... It also came to my notice that I should probably make more of an effort to get in shape now that I'm here, I've banned takeaway food from the house as of yesterday :D My worst calorific habit is coffee though - caramel, chocolate, vanilla Mmmm!

Also today we drove out of town and took the dog to some walking place - It was like everything in one, open meadows, beaches, forest - really, really nice! It was freaking freezing though! We had a little picnic too which was yummy! Teddy seems to be exhausted now he's laying underneath the desk fast asleep and twitching in his dreams - I love the doggy dream twitching - So cute!

I love the first picture, its actually really good quality you can't see it on here as I'm only uploading to LJ so the pictures are freaking teenie tiny but its real size its gorgeous, definately going to go in a nice frame when I get the chance to buy one :D I love that you can literally just walk a few minutes down the road or go a little while in the car to find these gorgeous little dog walking places!

british people, finnish lapphund, diet, finsk lapphund, norway

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