Nov 16, 2004 12:48
I hate you. Fuck you. Lazy.
Yet I love you. Fuck you. Ugly.
I cant get you out of my feelings. I love you. Nutjob.
I cant stand the pain anymore. Two-face. Hippocrate.
You want to talk yet you dont talk to me. Hippocrate. Liar.
I want to talk. I talk and you say nothing. Liar. Annoyance.
You are in my mind 24 hours a day and you haunt my dreams. Annoyance. Killer.
I love you yet you dont even have a clue and cant understand me or yourself. Killer. Innocent.
You lie and have problems. I love you. I hate you.
You wont even try to understand. Coward. Thief.
You steal my heart and break it. Thief. Poser.
You talk yet you lie and you say you care and turn your back. Poser. Lunatic.
I fucking cant take it anymore. Stop doing things when you dont even know what you want to do with yourself. Alone. Scared.
You are afraid yet you act tough. Scared. Hurt.
You are swinging your fists yet I know its all just your own pain. Hurt. Alone.
You feel alone in yourself and crazy. Alone. Crazy.
And I never once did any of this to you. Crazy. Untrue.
I just hate you. But I love you too. Hate. Love.
Stop it. You are driving me insane. Love. Insanity.
I am lost. You pushed me where I was. Pull me back. You are a jerk. Insanity. Hurt.
I am hurt too you know. But you are so immature. Hurt. stupid.
You are acting stupid. You refuse to have anything good. Stupid. Wrong.
I might be wrong, but at least Im changing. Wrong. Willing.
I dont care anymore. But I do. I love you. I hate you.
You wont go away. I hate you. You hate me.
You sometimes care yet you sometimes dont. You hate me. You care about me.
But youre so mixed up you cant tell anymore. You care about me. You lose yourself.
Your hearts in a blender. Yet you cant seem to push the button to stop it when its right in front of you. Addiction to pain. Addiction to all you know.
I want to push that button. But you wont let me. Confused. Hurt.
Just stop it and care about me. Hurt. Angry.
You are making me angry. Angry. Irate.
You are angry. Angry. Irate.
Just stop it and we can work it out. Irate. Out of control.
We are so alike its insane. But thats why we cant see our own problems. Mirror to mirror.
You are out of control. Stop it. Out of control. Out of your right mind.
But wait. This is a mirror. I must be too. Crazy. Nuts.
You are crazy. Let me help. Crazy. Nuts.
Just... STOP. Stop yourself. Compulsive. Insane.
We are insane. Mirror to mirror we reflect each other. Face-off. Face-on.
We gotta stop this. Put that mirror down. Its me. Im not going to hurt you. I will only hurt myself. But that mirror just keeps reflecting. and you hurt yourself.
THIS HAS TO STOP. You are insane. Out of control. Mirror-to-mirror we cant see who is what and what is who and it just confuses me and you.
Indecisive and in the middle you just go. In a circle you dont know. Wishy-washy, like charie brown. Just damn, put that damn fist down. I just want this to come to and end so I never have to think of you again.
But the problem is.
I hate you. Fuck you. I love you.