Dec 09, 2011 08:19
Matt texted me the other day and I suppose the fact that I'd hoped to never hear from that decrepit creature again explains why my physical reaction was so intense. Or the fact that I seriously fell for that piece of shit. I'll take the former. Thought it was Dustin at first texting the wrong person about a 30 rack and then realized it was you and started having heart palpitations complete with shuddering and tears. Faaaaaantastic. Fantastic plastic. Ugh. Definitely made others look a thoooooooousand times more enticing since no one can really compare to that. Echechechhhhhh, reminded me of all the bullshit I tolerated and how horribly I wanted to change myself to ensure his interest. It was like dating that voice in my head that constantly says I'm not good enough. Talk about unhealthy addictions. I can't blame my mistakes on him, but I know I wouldn't have apologized to Chris for what wasn't my fault and wouldn't have felt myself compelled to make amends with those girls. Jesus, so disgusted with the spineless mush I became. All for what? Better off, better off, better oooooofffff. Kind of glad he texted me because it reminded me of what a poor choice going for the asshole has been and it felt daaaaaamn good to tell him off. Would have preferred it to be in person, but I'd rather not see his disgusting, smirking, scuzz stache ever again. Dear baby Jesus, please let that be my last contact with him as well as any of his affiliates. Blechhhhhhh. I'm in Alfiero and all the business grad students are prepping for their big presentations. They look so fancy. Oh! Last day of classes/school. I have the last part of my programming final in 45 minutes and really should be brushing up on switch statements and nested for loops. I've been considering media studies lately. I dunno, it could work. I also might still not be 100% clear on what it exactly entails. But it's okay, because I can do anything I put my mind too! Ooooh, ahhhh, p0z!tIv!tyY~*
Alright. Time to review. Wo0o0o0o0o.
Look at all that snow!