rejoicing with exceeding joy

Dec 25, 2006 22:13

This time last year i was in Qingdao on the east coast of China. I had to work both Eve and Day, and i ended up with the feeling that i had missed Christmas. I mean, it's not like we didn't try our best. We had a couple of gatherings, and my friend Dan really went above and beyond in creating his pirate costume for the dinner at Amy's Bakery. It must have been tough tackling those delicious gratinated oysters without the benefit of binocular vision.

But for all that, it wasn't right. It wasn't the weather i missed because i don't think i've seen a white Christmas in my whole life, and it wasn't the presents i missed because we did give those to each other. And before you say anything, i'm an atheist, so it wasn't to do with that either. I don't remember the last time i went in a church for any reason but curiosity. Might have been my cousin's wedding eight years ago, i reckon.

So where is Christmas if it's not trapped between the gifts and their wrapping paper, or falling down in the spaces between snowflakes? This year mine has been with my best friends, some old classmates and my family, and i've appreciated it so much more for knowing a little of what it's like not to be with them when it all kicks off. I don't ever want to make last year's mistake of not being here for it again.
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