Feb 05, 2005 17:46
wow i finally got a second to sit down and update this mother. this weeks been fulllll of lacrosse. yey!
monday - jogging with the team, 2.5 miles, fun stuff.
tuesday - school sucked. ran by myself after.
wednesday - la-x practice, attempted 2 pierce my bellybutton, veltri called my house. eek. mich-l left for arizona
thursday - la-x practice, point pleasant.
friday - went 2 lauren g.'s house w. stacy, vanessa, erica, britney, cesar, michelle, kati, patrick, and dustin...watched the grudge (horrible) ate pizza and layed under the stars. sooo much fun! lol then i went 2 taras house for a sleepover w. the la-x team. funnnnn. we played charades (omfg) and watched naplolean dynomite then slept in taras arctic bedroom lol.
today - woke up at 7, ate waffles and eggs a la taras mom, went 2 lacrosse clinic that sucked. took a sticky shit with tara and squirreled an old man.
tonite - cheeburger with ian, lauren, greg and brandon. then sleeeping over laurens house
tomorrow - running 4 miles @ 7 am, then hangin out, then la-x practice @ 4, then super bowl (oh joy.) then homework!
hope u enjoyed that oh so detailed rundown of my exciting life. yeah dont be jealous that im so cool... come make sweet moolah with me n uncle rico sumtime.