Jan 26, 2005 15:52
soooo. i dont know. a lot more people hate me than i realized. even ppl i dont know. like, lexi, i dont even kno who she is, and shes sayin all this shit about me. realised all my friends think im 'attached to mich-l'. watever, u know? i really dont need this. if people dont like me for the way i am now, then theres really no point in them being my friends. cuz im not changin now, or anytime soon. i like the way i am, and i dont fucking care if you dont. dont tell me about of ur bullshit stupid fucking worthless shit. cuz i dont care, and i never will. with that in mind, i just wanna say how much you guys have affected my life, in all honesty:
Mich-l: yeah, ur first babe. i kno everyones gonna get mad at that, but like i said i dont care anymore. uve kepy me sane, and really just been there for me when i needed you most. i love you sooo much, and if something ever happened to u i wouldnt be able to live. i care about u so much, i hope u kno that. if u were ever in trouble, id stop my life to help u out of it. u were there for me when no one else was, when everyone else thought i was insane and just told me to get over things, u helped me through them. thnx :-D
Amanda: how uve affected me? many ways really. uve stuck up for me a lot of times, and u also taught me that people arent always what they appear to be. i know that sounds dum, but recently ive seen you for so much more. i never thought my big strong amanda could cry! but u did...and it was my fault, and im sorry. cuz i love you soo much. i know sometmies we dont get along, and our personalities kinda collide like planets, but the times that we hav together wen we're not disagreeing are sooo fun, and i wouldn't change u for the world!
Lauren: lauren lauren lauren. ur the person that i go to when i need to talk. like really just talk, about anything. sometimes u dont make sense to me, but ur always there wen i need ur help. wen i just need to chill out, and forget about all the stupid poo thats happenin around me, i can just talk to lauren, u crack a joke or we watch pirates of the carribean, and everythings all better for a while. i love u with all my heart and soul, ur like the other part of me! mayeb i dont show it sometimes, but i love you SO much, and i never want you to feel upset or left out because of me. tell me in future kay?
KT: now, me and u, weve been through some serious shit. but at the end of it all, u really have changed me. u made me realise what a caring and lovely person u are, ud forgive anyone for anything, cuz ur heart is just that big! i appreciate your forgiveness, even though i never really deserved any of it. i really do care about you, no matter how u may doubt it, u really mean something to me. thats sounds kinda lezzy. lolol<3
but leave me the fuck alone if you dont wanna rock with me